rajibraj 02 August 2023, 15:36

How Long Does Hair Transplantation Treatment Take?

How Long Does Hair Transplantation Treatment Take?

Hair transplant treatment is a surgical procedure performed to restore natural hair to people experiencing hair loss. The duration of the hair transplant process may vary depending on various factors. Generally, the completion of hair transplant treatment can take from a few hours to a few days and may vary depending on the following factors:

Number of Grafts: How many grafts (hair follicles) will be transplanted in hair transplantation treatment affects the duration of the procedure. The number of grafts may vary depending on the severity of hair loss and the areas of hair loss. More graft transplantation may increase the procedure time.

Treatment Area: The size of the hair loss area to be treated also affects the duration. Hair transplantation in a larger area requires more time.

Treatment Method: Hair transplantation can be done with two main methods, generally known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). FUE can be a more time-consuming procedure, as individual grafts need to be removed, so it can take longer. The FUT method, on the other hand, can be a shorter procedure because a strip is taken from the scalp and the grafts are removed.

Competence of the Team: The success and duration of hair transplant treatment also depend on the competence and experience of the team. An experienced team can carry out the process faster and more effectively.

Usually, hair transplant treatment can take between 4 and 8 hours. However, in more extensive cases or depending on the number of grafts, the time may be longer. After the treatment, the healing process and full hair growth may take time. It is important to consult with a hair specialist or hair transplant specialist to learn more about the hair transplant process and to create a treatment plan that suits you.