rajibraj 02 August 2023, 15:53

Is Hair Transplantation Lifelong?

Is Hair Transplantation Lifelong?

Whether the result of hair transplantation is "life-long" depends on various factors. Hair transplantation is an effective treatment method that generally allows individuals who experience hair loss to restore their own hair to the areas that have been shed. However, the permanence of the hair transplant result may vary depending on the following factors:

Area from which the grafts are taken: In hair transplantation, grafts (hair follicles) are usually taken from the back and side areas of the hair. The hair in these areas is usually permanent and does not fall out. Therefore, the hair taken from these areas tends to be permanent in the transplanted area.

Number of Grafts Received: In hair transplantation, the number of grafts taken also affects the permanence of the result. When more grafts are transplanted, a denser hair texture can be obtained and the result can be more permanent.

Health of the Donor Area: The health of the donor area from which the grafts are taken is also important in hair transplantation. If the donor area is exposed to the problem of hair loss, the grafts taken may also be affected and the result may be less permanent.

Gender and Age: Other factors that affect the permanence of the hair transplant result include gender and age. Hair loss in men is usually more common and may progress as you age. Therefore, the result of hair transplantation may change over time in men.

Hair transplantation is generally an effective method to achieve permanent results. However, the result of hair transplantation is not completely permanent and over time, the structure of your hair may change due to the aging process or genetic factors. For this reason, it is important that you take care of your hair care and regular follow-up after hair transplantation.

In some cases, there may be changes or developments on the transplanted hair after hair transplantation. For example, after hair transplantation, some of the hair follicles may be in a dormant state and may wake up over time, which may allow your hair to continue to grow.

As a result, hair transplantation is generally accepted as a permanent treatment, but whether the result is completely life-long may vary from person to person and depending on the transplant.