rajibraj 03 August 2023, 17:05

Is There Any Pain During Hair Transplantation?

A slight pain or discomfort may be felt during the hair transplant procedure. However, thanks to modern techniques and anesthesia methods, this pain is reduced to a minimum. There are two methods commonly used in hair transplantation:

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Under Local Anesthesia: In this method, tissue and hair follicles from the scalp are taken one by one and transplanted to the areas to be transplanted. During the procedure, local anesthesia is injected into the scalp, so the area becomes numb during the procedure and the patient does not feel pain. There may be some pain or pressure sensation only during the anesthetic injections.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Under Local Anesthesia: In the FUT method, a strip is taken from the scalp and then the hair follicles are removed from this strip and transplanted to the areas to be transplanted. In this method, local anesthesia is used during the procedure and the patients are largely prevented from feeling pain.

After the procedure, mild pain, itching or discomfort in the treated areas is normal and can usually be easily controlled with painkillers. These discomforts usually subside within a few days and the healing process begins.

The level of pain or discomfort of the patient after hair transplantation may vary from person to person. However, thanks to today's advanced techniques and anesthesia methods, hair transplantation can be done in a very tolerant way and most of the patients can go through the procedure without feeling any discomfort.