rajibraj 03 August 2023, 16:57

Things to Consider in Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is an aesthetic surgical procedure performed to restore the natural hair appearance to people who have hair loss or sparse hair problems. There are some important points that people who will have hair transplantation should pay attention to:

Selection of Appropriate Clinic and Doctor: The most important step for hair transplantation is to choose an experienced and expert hair transplant doctor and a well-equipped clinic. Since hair transplantation is a procedure that requires expertise, it is important to work with a doctor who is experienced in the field and has achieved successful results.

Health Status Evaluation: The health status of the people who will be candidates for hair transplantation should be evaluated. People with health problems or chronic diseases may not be suitable for hair transplantation.

Clarification of Expectations: Before deciding on hair transplantation, it is necessary to clearly determine the expectations of the person and the desired result. Hair transplantation is not a procedure to completely prevent hair loss, it is done to thicken your existing hair and correct sparse areas.

Hair Transplant Method: The methods used in hair transplantation may differ. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) methods are the most common. It is important to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.

Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle before and after hair transplantation can increase the success of the procedure. Factors such as a balanced diet, avoidance of smoking and alcohol consumption, and regular exercise have a positive effect on the healing process of the hair.

Post-Operation Care: After hair transplantation, you should have information about wound care and what you need to pay attention to as your doctor recommends. Acting in accordance with the recommendations during the healing process may affect the success of the results.

Being Patient: It is unrealistic to expect permanent results immediately after hair transplantation. After hair transplantation, the hair is first shed and then new hair grows in a natural process. This process may take time to complete and the results to become clear.

Remember that each person's hair transplant needs and process may be different. Therefore, before seeing a doctor for hair transplantation, it is important to get information from a specialist who evaluates your specific situation.