rajibraj 02 August 2023, 15:38

What is the Most Preferred Treatment Method in Hair Transplantation?

What is the Most Preferred Treatment Method in Hair Transplantation?

The most preferred treatment method in hair transplantation is the method known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). FUE is one of the modern hair transplant methods and is preferred by most hair transplant specialists. This method is also popular with patients as it is less invasive and less irritating.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method refers to a process in which the individual's own hair follicles are taken one by one and transplanted. During the procedure, healthy hair follicles on the scalp are removed one by one with microsurgical instruments and then placed in the area to be transplanted. Grafts are usually taken from more permanent hair follicles on the back of the hair or on the side of the head.

The reasons for choosing FUE are:

Less Invasive: The FUE method is a less invasive procedure. No stitches or incisions are made during the removal of the grafts, so the healing process is faster and less painful.

Natural Look: The FUE method is suitable for imitating the natural hairline and allowing the hair to grow naturally. Removing the grafts one by one helps to achieve more aesthetic results.

No Scars: There are no scars in the removal areas of the grafts taken during the FUE procedure. There may be only small crusts and redness in the areas where the grafts were removed, but these will pass quickly.

Fast Recovery: After the FUE procedure, the recovery process is fast and the patient can return to normal daily activities in a short time.

The FUE method is preferred over the more traditional FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. The FUT method is performed by taking a strip from the scalp and removing the grafts and generally tends to leave longer healing times and scars. For this reason, FUE is the most commonly preferred and recommended method in hair transplantation today. However, since each individual's hair loss situation is different, it is important to consult a specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment method.