Beard and Mustache Transplantation

Beard and Mustache Transplantation

Beard and Mustache Transplantation Operation

There is no cure for new hair growth in beard and mustache areas. Therefore, the best method is transplantation. It is possible to achieve a more aesthetic appearance thanks to the transplantation performed with the FUE Technique to regions with regional thinning, ringworm or scars.

According to the statistics made by the International Society of Hair Surgery (ISHRS) in 2008, a 110% increase was observed in the demand for beard and mustache transplants in Turkey and nearby geographies, especially with the increase in public knowledge about hair transplantation. There is no cure for new hair removal in hairless areas yet. Therefore, the best method is transplantation. It is possible to achieve a more aesthetic appearance thanks to the transplantation with FUE and FUT Techniques to regions with regional thinning, ringworm or scars.

What are the causes of beard loss?

The density of the beard and the quality of the hair are completely dependent on the genetic structure. For 3 years after entering puberty, beard hair thickens and becomes terminal, long, coarse and pigmented hair forms, and beard hair maintains this characteristic unless there is a significant change in male hormone levels. Beard loss can occur due to skin diseases as well as autoimmune diseases. Apart from these, the most severe picture is hormonal imbalances. In men, the male hormone testosterone should be checked when it is below the threshold level. Beard loss may also occur in alopecia areata disease.

Who is beard transplant suitable for?

A leathery or sparse and messy beard is the most common reason for transplantation. Beard transplantation can be done from the age of 20-22 when the hormones settle to the basal level. In addition, this procedure is preferred for men who want to lengthen their sideburns, who like the look of a two-day beard, but whose beard strands are irregular or missing. Beard transplantation can be applied to those who have no beard, as well as to men who have hairless areas in their beards.

How is beard transplantation done?

Beard is not like hair because it can be found in very different densities from person to person. Someone with a markedly sparse beard may not be bothered by this. For this reason, a beard is usually not needed very often in planting. If there is a regional beard loss, in this case, the planting is planned according to the beard density in the surrounding area and harmonized with the environment. If the beard is completely absent, in this case, it can be planted between 1000-3000 roots depending on the frequency and limit desired by the person. Planting 400 roots each in the mustache and chin area, 100 roots in the favorite areas, and 1000 roots in total in a full corner provides a significant change in appearance. Beard transplantation is performed by taking hair follicles from the thin-wire area just above the nape or from the tops of the ears. In beard transplantation, the FUE method is applied to those who accept haircut, and the FUT method to those who do not. Unnecessary hair on the lower beard area, chest, lower parts of the neck and cheekbones can also be transplanted to tighten the less frequent areas of the beard. Root removal from these areas, which do not look beautiful due to the dense beard, provides a distinct advantage as it provides permanent hair removal in the area.

What is the process after the Beard Transplantation Operation?

After beard transplantation, there is no trace on the body or on the back of the neck. A dark red appearance occurs in the planted area due to the blood clot coming out of the place where the needles used immediately after planting, but this appearance is cleaned in the first bath. In order for the transplanted beard to be better fed by the body, there is an increase in blood supply in the planting area and accordingly, small rednesses occur at the bottom of the hair. This slightly red image disappears in 1-2 weeks. After the 2nd week, some of the transplanted beard and mustache experience a temporary shedding called shock shedding. 4-8 months after the temporary shedding, all the spills come out again. The result is natural and permanent.

What is mustache transplantation and how is it applied?

Mustache transplantation is the transplantation of hair follicles to the skin areas where mustache hairs do not grow on the upper lip. With the FUE method used in transplantation, problems such as scars, surgical scars, burns, spills in the mustache area can be covered naturally. With FUE, as many hair follicles are taken from the desired place as desired, and sowing is made to the determined mustache area with the desired frequency and the natural angle that should be in that area. The taken roots are planted with the help of 0.6-0.7 mm tools without cutting the skin, thus shortening the planting time and no root death because the roots do not wait. The transplanted hair follicles continue to grow after transplanting. If there is a sparse mustache area, 4-6 months after transplantation, hair transplantation can be done again. Although mustache transplantation is a short and practical procedure, it should be done by a specialist to prevent undesirable results.

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