Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow Transplantation

While beauty and aesthetics are gaining more importance day by day, eyebrows have become one of the most striking features of your face. However, sparse or shapeless eyebrows may weaken over time or lose the desired appearance. This is where our professional eyebrow transplant service comes into play!

Free Consultation: As a first step, we offer free consultation to our customers. Our experts will evaluate your eyebrows, listen to your wishes and create the most suitable eyebrow transplant plan for you.

Personalized Planning: The facial structure of each individual is different. Our experts prepare a special plan to determine the most suitable eyebrow shape for your facial features.

Application and Transplantation: Eyebrow transplantation is performed in a sterile and hygienic environment. In this procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia, hair follicles are transplanted with care.

Healing and Results: There may be slight redness or swelling in the first days after the procedure, but these will pass in a short time. Within a few weeks, you will begin to see the natural and impressive appearance of your eyebrows.
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