Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

What is Hair Transplantation? How is it done?

Hair transplantation is the transfer of hair follicles taken from the hairy area to the bald area (autotransplantation). Hair transplantation is the process of transferring healthy and strong hair follicles to the thinned or completely opened area by taking them from the nape and above the ear, which is called the area that does not shed for life. The process is also called hair transplant. Anyone who has enough hair on the side and back of the head is a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. In these people, both FUT and FUE methods can be used.

Thanks to the rapid and successful developments in hair transplant surgery, the quality of the procedure has increased in direct proportion. At the end of serious and meticulous work, a very natural image emerges. Hair transplantation can be applied at any desired age. It is not applied to diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure requiring dialysis, severe liver and heart patients. Hair transplantation is a painless and painless procedure. Sowing is done with a regional numbing technique called local anesthesia. The effect of anesthesia continues throughout the procedure. After the procedure, there is no pain, pain or swelling in the transplanted or transplanted area.

What should be considered in hair transplantation?

The place where the person who will have hair transplantation applies must be a hospital or a medical center with an operating room. Beauty salons, apartments, places under the stairs should not be. At the beginning of the procedure, there must be a Specialist Doctor and the operation should be done as a team. The process should be carried out in centers that have fulfilled the legal requirements under the direction of the Ministry of Health. It is necessary to pay attention to the disinfection and sterilization of the environment to be treated and the equipment to be used.

The disposable materials used are of great importance in terms of contracting infectious diseases. Since a possible negative development can be intervened during the procedure in the hospital, having it done in apartments or places that are not related to this business can cause serious problems. Make sure that the person who made this process gives you a guarantee. Say that you will definitely count the number of grafts/tissues taken, it is very simple to count.

These problems are usually experienced in places that do this. Ask him how you would know if 3000 grafts of hair were transplanted and 1000 were taken. View sample photos of patients who have had hair transplants before. Do not disregard the photos downloaded from the internet, if necessary, talk to the people who have the transplant, even on the phone. Pay attention to how many years the center has been doing this job and whether the person you are interviewing is doing this job himself.

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Hair Transplant
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